It's winter and the winter blahs are trying to set in. I struggle with this every year because I love to be outside in my garden and with my horses. Yes, I still feed but when the temps drop below freezing we are all miserable and just trying to survive. This year I've taken a new approach to being stuck inside, I've learned to embrace it.
I have found things that I enjoy doing inside to help me get through January/February in the Midwest. I help coach swimming in an amazing pool that has a heated portion (think just shy of sauna). The atmosphere is humid with water moving in the lazy river and the rhythmic sound of laps in the competition pool. When I walk into the recreation pool and am hit with the warmth and humidity it immediately calms me. Yes, some days I get tired of driving over after a full day of work to coach and then drive home, but when I walk in the pool with floor to ceiling windows, heat, humidity, running water and plants off to one side it is the atmosphere I need to pull me out of that exhausted mental state.
The second thing I did was bring as many of my plants in as possible and put them into one room with grow lights. I know have plants year round and a nice warm room to sit and write in. It's been amazing for me mentally and physically. I also use this room to start my garden seedlings, last year got a little out of hand and I ended up with 40+ tomato seedlings. It's a fun time for me and a way for me to keep my hands in the dirt during inclement conditions that I don't like to be out in.
I am taking classes in herbalism, equine nutrition, and some computer classes as well. I've decided winter is a great time to study and learn more about the things I like to do. If I can't be out doing what I love I may as well be learning new things about it. I also use this time to figure out what seeds I have or need for next season and design my new garden beds, or re-design the older beds. I've been reading books on the history of herbalism and it has been eye-opening and has given me a lot of respect for those that have kept the traditional medicine alive.
I've spoken about riding horses and at this point I am mainly learning dressage. So, while I can't ride I read about horse health, check my tack, and watch videos on dressage and other horse related topics. I grew up a western girl, trail riding, and showing in halter classes. A few years ago I worked in a dressage barn and that got me started down this path and I love the world of dressage. Dressage is about the connection of the horse and rider and the partnership. It's amazing and an entirely different world from what I grew up with in the horse world.
Lastly, I've been reading and writing more. I had stopped writing after college because I didn't like it anymore. Too many mindless reports that had to be written that were then ripped apart by a tenured professor instead of using a growth mindset to help their student achieve success with their writing. It took many years of writing EMS and police reports to help me work through that and now I enjoy it again. Yes, I know my work will still be ripped apart but this time I understand why and grow from it.
If, like me, you get the seasonal "blahs" use the time for self-care, try something new, focus on how to learn more about what you already do. Track season will soon be here and I know that means I'll be outside in all kinds of weather so I am going to enjoy being inside right now. I'm blessed with a warm house, books, Kindle Unlimited and plants. Soon the busy days of summer will be upon us but until then I think I will focus on self-care and resting.
Go grab a warm blanket and beverage of choice and enjoy a good read! If you can, bundle up and go outside for awhile and come back in to that warm blanket and a drink.
