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The Benefits of Meditation while Living with Fibromyalgia.


I have tried meditating for a long time but I've never been able to slow my mind enough to make it worthwhile. I would try for awhile and then quit because I couldn't visualize or stop thinking. I listened to an episode of Buddhist Bootcamp recently and the talk was on meditation. Timber Hawkeye was discussing the problem I had been dealing with and suggested when meditating allow the thoughts to come and go. Do not given them anytime to stay and allow yourself to dwell on them thereby allowing them to take over and letting the mind run me instead of me running my mind.

I've been putting that information to use and have slowly been able to slow my mind and at times even go without thinking. It has taken some time but I have started noticing the changes from meditation. The benefits I have noted from my work with meditation have been better sleep, calmer in stressful situations, more focused, and able to relax more. I've also noticed better control of my mind and being able to focus more on the present than on the past and future. This has created a significant change in my anxiety symptoms and ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

I have also noticed with meditation my stress has decreased and therefore so have my fibro symptoms. No the symptoms have not gone completely away, but I am able to manage them better. I also do yoga when meditating and this has helped keep my muscles and back stretched out and strengthened and my back has been hurting less. I will continue with meditation and yoga to heal my body, mind, and soul. While it may not work for everyone, it works for me and that is the key, finding what works for you.

My initial goal when writing this article was to present you with information from medical institutions and various studies, but as I began to write the article took on a life of it's own. I found myself wanting to share my journey with meditation with you. I have tried many different kinds of meditation from sitting still to moving with yoga. It's taken me awhile to figure out what works for me and it will take awhile for you as well.

I've found for me yoga works well if I need to move, or am tense/sore that day. Laying down on my yoga mat without moving also helps. Normally, if I am laying down I also have healing music, or a guided meditation playing. Depending on my mood that day the music can range from healing hertz tones to Celtic music. I may have candles and sage burning that day if I need to cleanse my aura and I will also use quartz and other stones with healing properties as needed.

Meditation is a very personal journey and there is no right way to do it. Each person can meditate in their own way and it may take you awhile to find what works. This is perfectly normal and I would offer you the advice of not quitting and to try different forms of meditation to find what works for you. My hope is that this article has answered a few questions and also made you realize if you are struggling with meditation you are not alone and to keep trying, even if you start with 5 minutes a day.

Focus on a flame. Center your mind. Heal your body.

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